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Q: How easy is it to change your website design agency/developer?

Writer's picture: Jason Liu MarketingJason Liu Marketing

Q: How easy is it to change your website design agency/developer?

A: Harder than it seems!

What to do if you're "locked in"?

I hear this story a lot of the time from prospective new clients who decide in the end that changing to a different web developer is 'too difficult'. “Locked in” can mean your current provider has all your website domain and email account usernames and passwords. You’ve invested time, money and effort into building your online presence. Your current web person has ALL the keys to your existing website and could even take you offline at any moment! So what can you do?

1. Request all your usernames and passwords - it is your right and under no circumstances should your developer refuse to provide you with your access details. This is a routine request web developers get.

2. You have the right to negotiate an exit strategy with your web provider. There may be a small cost to pay but it's better than persevering with a website you're not pleased with or worse, have to pay more to the same web developer to correct it.

3. You can quietly find a possible web design replacement before notifying your current web provider. To avoid downtime of your website, your new website can be ready for launch before you switch.

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